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毕彩华 毕业于大庆师范专科学校和北京师范大学研究生院。出国前在省级重点高中执教25年。出国后有卡城其他中文学校任教经验。 Caihua765@hotmail.com
陈旭华 华南师范大学教育系本科毕业,小学高级教师。出国前曾在广州任中、小学教师逾10年,出国后先后在温哥华、卡城其他中文学校执教。 xuhuachen@hotmail.com
陈燕 国内从事教育工作十五年,在加拿大从事汉语教学工作多年。获普通话一级乙等证书。热爱学生,热爱中华文化,积极投身中文教学。 watchcy@gmail.com
陈艳东 毕业于吉林大学,法学硕士研究生。10年中文助教经验,4年中文教学经验。多年来一直积极投身于中国语言与文化教育的倡导与支持工作,对中文教育有高度热情。 yolandaydc@gmail.com
邓秀红 河北师范大学《汉语言文学教育》专业本科毕业;从事一线语文教学和班级管理工作多年,高级语文教师。自2005年起,一直在卡城从事中文教学工作。 xhdeng66@gmail.com
丁克霞 西北师范大学中文系学士毕业。出国前从事初、高中语文教学工作10余年,出国后在卡城中文学校执教数年。 cathy66.ding@yahoo.ca
方百寿 毕业于厦门大学。出国前在高校任教十余年,对华夏传统与中国文化有着深深的情愫。出国后在其他中文学校任教数年。 treeroot001@hotmail.com
冯勤 北京科技大学管理信息系统专业毕业。自1996年至今,一直从事对外汉语教学工作, 积累了丰富的汉语教学经验。 qincindy1@gmail.com
黄英 毕业于大庆师范学校幼儿及教育管理专业,出国前曾在大庆、深圳任教20年。并参与编写语文教学参考书多本, yinghuang2007329@gmail.com
胡怡挺 先后毕业于南昌师范学校和江西教育学院。出国前任中小学语文教师16年,任教于省重点中小学,并参与编写语文教学参考书多本。 yitinghu166@gmail.com
韩蕴萱 热爱语言教学,注重学生兴趣培养,致力于将新的语言教学理论运用在海外华裔青少年的中文教学中。有丰富的第二语言教学经验,拥有硕士学位,在加拿大取得第二语言教学证书。 yunxuan.han@gmail.com
李 霞 毕业于成都理工学院,中学高级教师。出国前在中学任教15年。出国后一直从事中文教学工作逾16年。 leesha.zhang1998@gmail.com
李天璇 毕业于西北师范大学,小学高级教师,出国前从事小学教育十多年,有丰富的小学语文教学经验,并多次在省市级公开课比赛中获奖。 litianxuan1970@gmail.com
李秀琼 毕业于长江大学艺术设计系。在中国从事教育工作9年,在卡尔加里教授中文四年。擅长以活泼轻松的方式将学习要点带入课堂,从而激发学生的学习兴趣,提高学习效率。 obowriver@gmail.com
孙晓红 毕业于黑龙江大学英语系英美语言文学专业,获文学学士学位。移民前教授大学英语十余载。移民后一直从事多层次的海外中文教育。秉承认真执著的教学理念,采用寓教于乐的教学方法,把教学激情带进课堂。 ssxh66@gmail.com
王丽杰 毕业于中国吉林大学历史糸,获学士学位。任博物馆研究员并从事展览设计和宣传教育二十五年。在卡尔加里中文学校执教七年。与学生相处时亦师亦友,寓教于乐地传承中国文化。 sanhai22869@gmail.com
王蔚君 毕业于北京首都师范大学教育专业,硕士学位。在北京中等职业学校任教多年,荣获优秀中青年骨干教师称号。曾参与编写和修订北京市中等职业技术学校试用教材。移民加拿大后曾在卡城多所中文学校任教,教授的学生多次在卡城中文比赛中获奖。 wwang1014@hotmail.com
王强 加拿大萨斯喀彻温大学教育学硕士,多年从事中英文教学工作。出国前曾任职天津新东方英语教师,出国后曾在卡尔加里其他中文学校任教。 garywangqiang@icloud.com
王红 新疆师范大学汉语言文学专业本科,多年从事语文教学工作,积累了较丰富的教学工作经验。 wanghong066@yahoo.ca;
刘雪侗 中国山东师范大学英语本科。后在加拿大布鲁克大学攻读教育学硕士研究生。在加拿大一直从事汉语教学工作。 xuetongl@gmail.com
汪婧 卡尔加里大学教育学硕士,主修第二语言教育。在加拿大有多年中小学中文教育工作经验,以及多年成人英文教育工作经验。 jinggracewang@hotmail.com
吴继玲 热爱语言教学,具有丰富的语言教学经验,出国后长期在卡城多所中文学校担任教师。 wujiling666@yahoo.ca
肖丽宇 毕业于长江大学,硕士学位。具有18年中文课堂教学经验。在澳大利亚留学期间,曾从事中文教育,并获得澳大利亚卧龙岗大学“海外第二语言教育资格证书”。擅长拼音、字词讲解教学,富有朗诵及写作特长培养经验。 shally.sun@hotmail.com
殷 红 在加拿大取得第二语言教学证书。高级讲师、博士,长期从事中文教学工作,具有中文培训授课的丰富经验 melissa.yinh@gmail.com
于东梅 毕业于大庆师范学校及黑龙江省教育学院。出国前在大庆从事语文教学工作近20年,曾荣获大庆市教学能手大赛一等奖,多次被评为优秀教师。出国后有其他中文学校教学经验。 may.yu11136@gmail.com
赵俊英 毕业于山西太原师范学院,出国前曾在太原任中学教师11年。出国后先后在温哥华、卡加利多家中文学校任教;曾在卡城华人电台担任节目嘉宾主持。 Ningchen16@gmail.com
张君静 中央财经大学硕士学位,多年的教育经历,积累了较为丰富的教学经验。热爱教师职业,对学生富有爱心、耐心和责任心。希望在轻松快乐的学习氛围中,培养学生学习中文的兴趣。 susan.zhang2002@gmail.com


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邢 松 北京人,毕业于北京体育大学,国家一级运动员,出国前曾任北京联合大学体育讲师十年,网球教练,长于多种球类。
张晓兵 加拿大国家教练协会(NCCP)认证国家一级羽毛球教练。在体校受过正规羽毛球和乒乓球训练,大学期间曾参加火车头体协羽毛球队集训,多次获得西南交通大学羽毛球比赛单双打冠军。毕业后获得过成都市汇通杯羽毛球比赛团体亚军。在加拿大期间作为前加拿大国家队教练 Dave MacMaster 的助理,致力于青少年羽毛球的普及和提高,具有丰富的青少年羽毛球教学经验。
Dr. Eden Lackner
Dr. Eden Lackner is an accomplished, enthusiastic teacher with more than a decade of teaching experience at a wide variety of levels. Her Bachelors and Masters degrees are from the University of Calgary, and she spent four years in New Zealand, pursuing and receiving a PhD in English Literature from Victoria University of Wellington at the conclusion of her residency. Over the course of her career, she has taught writing to elementary-aged children, pre-teens, teenagers and adults, working with diverse groups of students, including ESL and gifted pupils. She is a published author, and continues to engage in her own education through research, writing, conferences, and collaboration with other scholars. In addition to her work at Yufeng, she teaches English Literature at the University of Calgary. She believes that education is a life-long journey, and that learning to write and communicate effectively enriches a student's life and opens up a wealth of opportunities.
Dr. Lackner is committed to providing an engaging, stimulating learning environment that challenges students to develop intellectually and creatively. Her writing class focuses on strengthening students' existing skills and cultivating new ones through learning about the structure and content of good writing; understanding the purpose, intent and audience for their writing; and developing their own authorial voices. Each lesson emphasizes discussion, participation, and hands-on practice, and includes grammatical, linguistic and writing assignments to continue each student's learning between classes, throughout the week. Dr. Lackner has been teaching Grade 3/4 Writing at Yufeng since 2015, and looks forward to another happy, productive year!
Janet Bayda
Ms. Bayda is an energetic, passionate and experienced teacher who has been teaching English Language Arts for 7 years with Calgary Board of Education. She has spent most of her career teaching Grade 5 & 6 English to ESL & TLC students. She has also spent a year and a half teaching English to students of all ages in South Korea and another year in Japan doing the same. She believes that every student has a right and responsibility to enhance their own learning. Ms. Bayda is able to effectively communicate with students from diverse backgrounds and varying degrees of ability and reach out to their needs. She is a committed and dedicated professional with a proven ability to teach and motivate students, and create a fun and safe learning environment, where students are encouraged to take risks. She can foster and maintain a positive school climate where students can reach their full potential. She taught at Yufeng English School last year and is looking forward to another successful year!
Rod Pittman
Mr. Pittman has been a middle school / junior high Teacher for 18 years and have also spent 6 years teaching ESL to junior high and high school international students.
In this writing course students will be exploring different genres of writing through both reading and writing, as well as the other necessary elements required to improve students' writing and composition skills.
Through writing, reading, thinking and discussing, students will become a better reader, writer and thinker. The skills that we will focus on in this class will certainly help students in their other classes, especially English, so pay attention, engage in class discussions, ask questions and do their best!
Pamela Hunnisett
Ms. Hunnisett is an experienced English teacher. She is currently the High School English Curriculum Leader at Foundation for the Future Charter School (FFCA) and has been teaching English10-1, 20-1, and 30-1. Ms. Hunnisett has been an English Language Arts teacher since 1998 and her experience includes: Grade 8-Grade 13 (in Ontario), ELA 20AP Language and Composition (with FFCA), and IB Higher Level Diploma English (in Ontario). Ms. Hunnisett's roles at FFCA - beyond her teaching of courses - are the following: Teacher Leader in Blog Writing, Teacher Coach/Mentor ,Lead member of the Learning Commons Committee for all of FFCA (from K-12), diploma preparation tutoring co-curricular for ELA 30-1 students, and English Department Rep Member of NCTE (National Council for Teachers of English).

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